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  • Writer's pictureHolly Wright

Ships in the Night

My life has always been half looking down the barrel of the gun and waiting ​for the spark

and half staring through the eye of the noose waiting for a reason

(you are the reason not to)

My heart wants shelter in the stained glass quiet is willing to drop to its knees and beg forgiveness

My feet are already fleeing the hallowed marble halls and scorching the earth where I touch it

Because I try so hard to be good but I’m still a sinner  and I don’t know if I’ll ever make it out in time

(I don’t have to beg with you you already put out the flames)

My life has always been me ready to fling myself off a cliff just  to prove I can and run across the country on a dare and just because someone told me “Never stop running”

But my feet won’t move I never jump; I always fall and the running is only ever so far that it makes me want to look back and see what I’m missing 

My shipwrecked soul is certain I should go My heart is a broken lighthouse begging me to stay 

(you are the ship in the night reminding me I’m not alone)

My hands are ice but my heart is warm, I promise

I can’t help who I am I can’t help who I want to be

I have always been in pieces

(I’m waiting to be put back together)

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