I imagine my life in the eyes of a god
I watch infinity unfold in the seas
and I see a god’s tears
And I stare at the sky
feel the raindrops pelt my skin
feel the thunder split the heavens
and I feel a god’s wrath
is a shackle
An ant crawls over my palm
and I want to crush it
my tears form a miniature ocean
and the ant drowns
My rage and my peace
circle each other
The ant flounders
tries to swim
and I drop him to the earth
He spasms
goes still
Eternity spans in a split second
And I move on
I feel myself
I look up, searching space for his eyes
I wait for the crushing blow
Maybe a god only waits
to deliver death
until the people know he’s there
Maybe the ant didn’t care to die
until he felt how small he was
I hope we never stop looking
A god is only a god if someone is praying
And maybe
a god isn’t a god
unless someone is smaller
Maybe they’re not a god
at all
except to us
God is a man
larger than life
holding us in his palm
thinking about us for only the second
before we die
We don’t worry about ants,
do we?